Julia Marie Hogan

Posted: 03/17/2020 |

Julia Marie Hogan is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Chicago.

Julia Marie Hogan is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Chicago. In addition to her work as a psychotherapist, she leads workshops and writes on topics related to self-care, relationships, and mental health. She is passionate about empowering individuals to be their most authentic selves. You can find more of her writing online at Verily. She completed her Master’s in Clinical Psychology at the Institute for the Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia.

Visit her website at juliamariehogan.com

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram

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Self-care is often misunderstood in our society. Far too many of us dismiss it as selfish pampering, and the results can be devastating for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Real self-care is anything but self-indulgent. It’s an essential discipline, rooted in the reality of who we are as God’s beloved children.

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