Chloe Langr

Posted: 03/17/2020 |

Chloe Langr is a freelance writer, blogger, and editor.

She is passionate about the feminine genius and women’s ministry, and is constantly inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Women. The love of her life proposed to her on the top of Emory Peak in Big Bend National Park, and they were married on January 21, 2017. When she isn’t buried under a growing stack of books that she brings home from the book store where she works, you can find her climbing mountains, podcasting, and spending time with her husband, Joseph. You can find more about Chloe on her blog “Old Fashioned Girl.”

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Latest for OSV

You said yes. And now you’re engaged.


You’re caught up in a whirlwind of wedding planning. But while everything out there is wrapping you in the superficial, everything inside you craves substance, rest, and simple joy. You want to prepare your heart and soul for this journey of marriage.

Created for Love is the perfect reflection journal to help you be present in each moment of your engagement, moving past the to-do list so that you can treasure this time long after the wedding day.

Here you’ll find ten reflections on each of the characteristics that make a woman uniquely feminine —and encounter each one in yourself — as you grow to become the woman God made you to be, including:

  • Receptivity
  • Generosity
  • Sensitivity
  • Maternity

Plus, there is space for journaling, Scripture to pray with, and saints to encourage you!
